payment advice along with check

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payment advice along with check

Beitrag von Gast ( / / 0 / 3 ) »
Hi All,

We are trying to print payment advice along with the check. I hv used f110_prenum_chck for the same. But we want to print all the line items in the payment advice. f110_prenum_chck prints only the consilidated amount(Net amount), but i want item wise print.

Can anybody advice me how to print line item wise PAYMENT ADVICE.Is there any other form other than f110_prenum_chck to print the same.

I really appreciate for any kind of inputs.


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Beitrag von Gast ( / / 0 / 3 ) »
what print program do you use?
e.g. print program: RFFOUS_C

standard_form for advice: f110_us_avis

check LIST1S
payment advice LIST5S

Beitrag von Gast ( / / 0 / 3 ) »
Anonymous hat geschrieben:what print program do you use?
e.g. print program: RFFOUS_C

standard_form for advice: f110_us_avis

check LIST1S
payment advice LIST5S


I'm using the print Program : RFFOUS_C & Form : F110_PRENUM_CHCK to print the payment advice along with the check, But no line items gets printed.

In order to print all the line items along with the check please let me know the exact Print Pgm name & Form name .

thanks in advance.

Beitrag von Gast ( / / 0 / 3 ) »
Did I get you right, that you want to print the line items only for the advice, right? In that case, please tell me which form you are using for your advice.


or a own form? The print program which you are using is the right one (RFFOUS_C).

Beitrag von Gast ( / / 0 / 3 ) »
Anonymous hat geschrieben:Did I get you right, that you want to print the line items only for the advice, right? In that case, please tell me which form you are using for your advice.


or a own form? The print program which you are using is the right one (RFFOUS_C).
Hi ,

I'm using Form : f110_us_avis & Print pgm : RFFOUS_C
But its prompting errors log as follows:

F0251 In form F110_US_AVIS / window CARRYFWD , the element 535 (Carry forward below) is missing
F0251 In form F110_US_AVIS / window MAIN , the element 510-C (Text-C) is missing
F0251 In form F110_US_AVIS / window MAIN , the element 515 (Heading) is missing
F0251 In form F110_US_AVIS / window MAIN , the element 520 (Carry forward above) is missing
F0251 In form F110_US_AVIS / window MAIN , the element 526 (Py.adv.note) is missing
F0251 In form F110_US_AVIS / window MAIN , the element 530 (Total) is missing
F0253 Output of the relevant forms is defective

please let me know the correct Form & print Pgm to print payment terms line item.


Seite 1 von 1

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