I need to use the Bapi 'Bapi_Acc_Document_Post' for uploadig the GL Postings. The DocumentHeader in the Import Parameter has three parameters called Obj_Type , Obj_key , Bus_Act. Can you please tell me what values do i need to pass for the above parameters. These are manadatory and the system gives error messages, if i leave these blank.
For Bus_Act , i'm giving the value as 'RFBU'.
I really appreciate for any kind of help on this. Kindly reply ASAP.
objtype and objkey are information about the 'external' document (origin document which leads to an follow up document in gl accounting).
objtype could be maintained in table TTYP. objkey is the reference number (e.g. document number of a sales order). normally objkey consists of reference document number and reference organizational unit (company code).
for bus_act, several entries are possible (depends on where the origin document is located). i guess 'RFBU' together with above mentioned information should do it.
Thanx for your reply.Yes, you are right. But now how will i find the value of Obj_type and Obj_key. if i know the Obj_type , guess my problem is solved. just trying to debug the bapi now.
I need to use the Bapi 'Bapi_Acc_Document_Post' for uploadig the GL Postings. The DocumentHeader in the Import Parameter has three parameters called Obj_Type , Obj_key , Bus_Act. Can you please tell me what values do i need to pass for the above parameters. These are manadatory and the system gives error messages, if i leave these blank.
For Bus_Act , i'm giving the value as 'RFBU'.
I really appreciate for any kind of help on this. Kindly reply ASAP.