I am posting vendor invoices into SAP using transaction F-43. I am using the CAll Transaction method.
I need to capture the posting document numbers that are created with warnings and such documents are to be blocked for payment.
The first issue is how do I capture the documents created with warnings as CALL Transaction is not capturing the same.
I would greatly apprecaite if anyone can let me know if there is any specific procedure/function module to handle the same.
The second issue is blocking the invoice for payment. Can we handle it in ABAP in any way or it has to be handled through configuration.
I posted the issue in two forums just to get the solution quickly but not to waste anyones time.
Just in case if its against the forum's policies I am sorry and would take care in future.
Thank you for your replies. I did exactly that while coding my ABAP however the warnings are not getting captured. Even if there's a warning while creating the document call transaction is returning the success message along with the posting document number.
I tried and tested this by trying to create the document manually and it had a couple of warnings. Then I posted it using my ABAP.