need help in doing certification or any other

ABAP, Java, BSP, etc.
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need help in doing certification or any other

Beitrag von Prasad Babu ( / / 0 / 3 ) »
i am prasad from india, a computer science engineer.
I have recently joined as a ABAP programmer.
my aim is to become a expert in SAP technologies as a technical consultent.
can any one tell are there any online resources which can help to to achieve my goal.
if come across any such resources please give me information.

thanking you all,
prasadbabu koribilli
Infotech Enterprises Ltd.

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Beitrag von Gast ( / / 0 / 3 ) »
hi prasad,

if you're searching a certification as technical engineer in ABAP, then you should get in touch with SAP .

See also here: ... /exams.epx

alternatively you could also get in touch with SAP Labs Bangalore in order to ask, if the offer certification program in ABAP-development.

hope this helps.

rgds, jj

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Vergleichbare Themen

ABAP Zertifizierung - Certification Guide
von newone » 19.12.2017 13:15 • Verfasst in ABAP® für Anfänger

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