Code: Alles auswählen.
Form Test tables itab type standard table.
Code: Alles auswählen.
Form Test using itab type standard table.
Code: Alles auswählen.
Report Test_Report
Types: Begin of struc_it_test,
name(20) type c,
vorname(20) type c,
alter type i,
end of struc_it_test.
data: it_test type standard table of struc_it_test,
wa_test like line of it_test.
wa_test-name = 'Ki'.
wa_test-vorname = 'Steffi'.
wa_test-alter = 20.
append wa_test to it_test.
* Testen ob interner Form-Aufruf funzt
Perform test using it_test.
form Test using itab_test type any table.
write: / 'so funzt es.'.
Code: Alles auswählen.
method SHIT_TEST .
Data: code type table of rssource-line,
str_help type string,
var_u type string.
Types: Begin of struc_it_test,
name(20) type c,
vorname(20) type c,
alter type i,
end of struc_it_test.
data: it_test type standard table of struc_it_test,
wa_test like line of it_test.
field-symbols: <wa_it> type standard table.
wa_test-name = 'Ki'.
wa_test-vorname = 'Steffi'.
wa_test-alter = 20.
append wa_test to it_test.
append 'Report YEGR_TEST_TEST.' to code.
move 'Form Test using itab_test type any table.' to str_help.
append str_help to code.
append 'data: wa_test like line of itab_test.' to code.
append 'Write: / ''Es funzt immer noch.''.' to code.
append 'endform.' to code.
insert Report 'YEGR_TEST_TEST' from code.
perform Test in program YEGR_TEST_TEST using it_test.
Code: Alles auswählen.
Form Test using itab_test type any table.
data: wa_test like line of itab_test.