I have to develop a report to list all the customer exits (enhancements)
that have been used in the current system or implemented in the current system.
The logic that I am trying to use is to figure out the enhancement projects created in the system and then list all the components of all the projects. Please let me know if there is a better procedure or the one I am using is fine.
If this one is fine then kindly help me with the table that stores the projects along with its components.
wouldn't it be better, to use SE84 instead? I don't know which release you currently have, but in our 4.70 System in SE84 on the left side you have an tree view, where you can select enhancements and project. If you press then Shift + F9 (all selection) you will get the screen (see attached screenshot)
There you can select all implemented enhancements. You can also select to get the active solely and so on ...
If you want to develop a report by yourself anyway, you should take a look at dev class 'SECE' (transaction SE80) and tables MODSAP, MODATTR, MODSAPA, MODSAPT.
hope this helps.
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Thank you for your reply. I have looked into the package SECE and I feel table MODACT is storing the data suitable for the requirement.
As far as the first option goes, we are in the process of developing an upgrade tool for the assessment of the customer system and need to generate a report for the same.